Klingel medical metal in Pforzheim makes the dual vocational training model a priority. For many years, we have been offering modern, practical vocational training with great prospects. From day one, our trainees (m/f/d) are supervised and supported by competent experts. With high-quality and qualified vocational training, we bank on our own junior staff for our company. This is confirmed by the quality seal “1A Ausgezeichneter Ausbildungsbetrieb” awarded to us by IHK (the Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Nordschwarzwald.

We always start the selection process one year before the start of the vocational training, in mid-August. Good grades are important for vocational training at Klingel medical metal, but other previous knowledge and experience, motivation and your own initiative and personality also count for us.

Klingel medical metal was once again among the 60 exhibitors at the Biet training fair in the Monbachhalle in Neuhausen. Now in its fifth edition, the fair has become well established, as demonstrated by the many visitors who came to the stands to find out about the training and study opportunities on offer. These ranged from the skilled trades to industry and the service sector. As in previous years, everything was perfectly organized by the organizers, the Neuhausen Trade Association and Azubi4me/Erlenmayer Digital. Training manager Patrick Gauss, HR officer Dominik Leicht and two trainees from the industrial/technical sector informed the pupils present about the training and career opportunities at Klingel medical metal. For the coming apprenticeship year (from September 1, 2024), applications are still possible for training as a cutting machine operator, metal technology specialist, machine and plant operator and industrial clerk (m/f/d) at the medical technology company in the Altgefäll industrial estate. Contact us now at bewerben@klingel-med.de.



Our trainees experienced an exciting day full of superlatives during the excursion to the Europapark Rust. At the beginning of the new training year, our four newcomers were able to integrate into the existing team. All of them had a lot of fun and were able to take away lasting impressions. We wish our junior staff a collegial and inspiring cooperation in the future...



Everyone who is still looking for an apprenticeship for 2023 is cordially invited to visit us at the training fair in the Biet on Saturday, 22 October, from 11 am to 3 pm.
You will find us in the Monbachhalle in Neuhausen at stand no. 12.

Four new apprentices learn a profession in metalworking

Four young adults joined the ranks of apprentices at Klingel medical metal on September 1st, just in time for the start of the new apprenticeship year. Allan Czornitzek, Max Wiedemann, Pascal Lindauer and Tim Albrecht started their multi-year apprenticeship as cutting machine operators, metal technology specialists and machine and plant operators at the Pforzheim-based medical technology company. They were welcomed by Managing Director Ralf Petrawitz, Training Manager Patrick Gauss and Human Resources Specialist Franziska Schäfer. Petrawitz briefly introduced the company and its integration into the Klingel Group in a concise presentation and wished the young professionals a good start. Afterwards, Patrick Gauss took them on a company tour of all four plants on Hanauer Straße in the Altgefäll industrial estate. Next week, an excursion to the Europa Park Rust is on the agenda to get to know each other better and for team building. We wish the new trainees much joy and success for their professional start.

Pforzheim, 28.07.2022

Congratulations to our junior employees on successfully passing their exams to become "Zerspanungsmechaniker"!

Samuel Hagos, Christopher Doczekal and Torben Weik (from left) received their certificates from HR Director Ira Jacob today. Torben Weik received an additional bonus for being the best graduate in his year.
All three successfully trained specialists will be taken on by Klingel medical metal and will be employed in the milling and long turning departments in the future. Among those congratulating them were Andreas Bäuerle (Head of Milling), Aaron Keppler (Senior Manager Milling Department) and Training Manager Patrick Gauss (back, from left).

As a welcome gift, Head of Department Andreas Bäuerle presented his new employee Christopher Doczekal with a voucher for a ride on the Flyline from the Schömberg observation tower.

We look forward to further cooperation and wish the three young professionals all the best for their future careers.

New impressions at partner company in Pforzheim

The six trainees from all three apprenticeship years of Josef Ganter Feinmechanik, one of the other five portfolio companies of the Klingel medical metal group, met at Klingel medical metal GmbH in Pforzheim for an exchange visit. The retiring training manager Sascha Doering (left) used the meeting as an opportunity to say goodbye to the Pforzheim team with its training manager Patrick Gauss (right) and to introduce his successor Sascha Hülsheger (third from left). The exchange between the two training companies, which has existed since the takeover of Josef Ganter Feinmechanik GmbH in Dauchingen in 2015, is to be maintained and expanded in order to provide the trainees in the metalworking industry with the best possible qualifications.

Trainees are taken on as skilled workers

We congratulate our apprentices Ardit Maloku (left) and Nico Keller (centre) on passing their final exams. Our two junior staff members have successfully completed their three-and-a-half-year apprenticeship as CNC machine operators/focus on turning. HR Manager Ira Jacob and Training Manager Patrick Gauss (right) offered their congratulations and presented certificates and diplomas from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. Both fully trained skilled workers will be taken on by Klingel medical metal. Ardit Maloku will continue his work in the Star Long Turning department, Nico Keller in the Emco Turning department. We wish both of them all the best and much success for their future careers in our company.

We still have apprenticeship places available for 2023!

Make 2023 your year! However, you have to take the first step yourself. We will support you with our pedagogical and technical expertise, as well as with human and collegial support, in all further steps on the way to entering professional life or to professional reorientation. Be there when it comes to using CNC machining to produce beautifully shaped parts from raw material with rough edges that improve people's lives in illness and old age or are used in the search for life in outer space.

"Training to be a machinist is very diverse and varied. Every part is different and it is fascinating to see the precision with which they are produced. Many different tools and state-of-the-art machines are used," say Chris and Roland, who completed their training at Klingel medical metal. "We learned an incredible amount in the three years, from manual processing to highly specialised, automated processes. For us, it's a profession with a future in a growing medium-sized company with versatile fields of application and continuous technological development," the two are convinced.

What are you waiting for? You'll find open doors and interesting prospects with us - take your chance. Apply now at bewerben@klingel-med.de

If you are interested in technology, manual work and teamwork and are looking to enter the professional world directly after graduating from Hauptschule or Realschule [German secondary schools] with good grades, this is the right place for you. Start your professional future with vocational training as a cutting machine operator specializing in turning and milling technology, as a specialist in metal technology or machine and system operator in a dynamic and innovative environment that also offers interesting prospects. You will be supervised and instructed by competent trainers in our excellently equipped teaching workshop with high-quality machines and CNC processing centres. During the vocational training, you will have your own tablet to learn theoretical content, with which you can make ideal use of our e-learning platform. From the second training year, you will go through all the relevant departments in our company and get to know as well as learn to apply the various production processes. In addition to team events and trips for all trainees, particularly good performances are rewarded with special prizes and visits to our subsidiaries abroad.

Contents of the vocational training as a cutting machine operator (f/m/d):

  • Basic training in metal processing: Milling, turning, drilling, sanding
  • Special training: Cutting machine operator specialized in turning/milling technology
  • Developing, testing and optimizing programs for CNC machine tools
  • CAD/CAM programming
  • Handling different types of materials
  • Getting to know and learning to operate turning machines, CNC turning tools, CNC cutting machines
  • Implementation of internal quality assurance systems
  • Accompanying lessons at the Mühlacker vocational schools

You can find more information here -->

Contents of the vocational training as a specialist for metal technology (f/m/d) 

  • Basic training in metal processing: Milling, turning, drilling, sanding
  • Special training: Metal engineering specialist
  • Creating and optimizing CNC programmes with standard commands
  • Handling different types of materials
  • Setting up machine tools and manufacturing systems
  • Monitoring manufacturing processes
  • Implementing quality assurance measures
  • Accompanying lessons at the Mühlacker vocational schools

You can find more information here -->

Contents of the vocational training as a machine and system operator (f/m/d) 

  • Assigning and handling work, operating and auxiliary materials
  • Operational and technical communication
  • Planning and preparing procedures
  • Industry-specific manufacturing technology
  • Control and feedback control systems
  • Setting up and operating production systems
  • Managing the flow of material
  • Maintenance and inspection of machines and systems
  • Performing quality assurance measures
  • Accompanying lessons at the Bretten vocational schools

You can find more information here -->

Career opportunities:

The career prospects for cutting machine operators and metal engineering specialists in the labour market are very good, and there are many opportunities for further education and training. Pforzheim is considered to be a hot spot of precision technology, and there are many opportunities in the metal processing profession. Klingel medical metal is a dynamically growing company with a constant need for young, qualified employees. Suitable trainees will be offered a position after having passed the final examination.

Start of vocational training: 1 September 2024 or 1 September 2025

Duration of vocational training:<br/> Cutting machine operator: 3.5 years, reduction possible if performance is adequate<br/> Specialist for metal technology: 2 years<br/> Machine and system operator: 2 years

Send your complete application documents (CV, last school reports, photo) by post or by e-mail to our instructor, Mr Patrick Gauss.

Klingel medical metal GmbH<br/> Hanauer Straße 5-7<br/> 75181 Pforzheim<br/> Phone +49 (0)7231/6519-0<br/> bewerben@klingel-med.de

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This shows one of our trainee projects 2018 (first year of the apprenticeship)

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